My top three harmonicas right now

Suzuki Sirius 64 wood with custom slider

I have had this harmonica for 5 years now. It is played on a daily basis. I have done chamfering to the reeds, which means I have changed the aero dynamics on the reeds. A reed has a 90 degree angle - and I have rounded off that edge, using a small rotary tool with a polishing wheel. I did actually not “chamfer” it - because chamfering means using a chisel to cut away an edge/corner to make a symmetrical sloping edge. Using a rotary tool with a polish wheel rounds of the corners more - I find this technique to be easier, quicker and just as efficient.

Jazz chromatic harmonica

The harmonica is tuned to 442 hz and a bit of stretch tuning. This means that I am stretching the last octave a few cents. From C in hole 9 blow and last octave is around 4-6 cents higher than the middle registers.

I got the custom slider from a luthier and harmonica player I met Seoul, South Korea summer 2024. It is excellent. It is a bit thicker than the original slider so the mouthpiece gets more airtight. More power and tone. But - this means I need to be more careful when tightening the screws. And I need to clean the mouthpiece more often. So a thicker slider is not always optimal.

Suzuki Sirius 64 chromatic harmonica

Suzuki G48 wood

Suzuki G48 wood cover chromatic harmonica

This harmonica has no custom parts. It is the same that you will get out of the box. I have also chamfered the reeds on this instrument. I started doing that maybe four years ago on many of my harmonicas. Not all of them - maybe on 60% of my setup.

Wood cover chromatic harmonica

This harmonica is older than the 64 version I write about first. This one is from 2011. So now 14 years. Lots of playing hours into this instrument. I have retuned a few notes over time and changed a few valves. Normal maintenance for an old instrument. This one I always bring to every concert. I know the feel and touch of these reeds in my sleep, this is one of my favorite harmonicas ever.

Chromatic Harmonica wood cover

Suzuki Manji Diatonic harmonica in Bb

Diatonic harmonica

This Bb diatonic is from 2011. That is also 14 years! Amazing durability. I have not played it every day - but still - this has been my main Bb harp since then. I have done lots of customizing to this instrument, flat sanding, embossing, curvature, chamfering, gapping and tuning. The wooden body is a custom harmonica comb from J.A Harmonicas. I think I have changed the covers on it, the other ones got smashed down. Suzuki had softer metal covers before 2012 - I remember getting new ones for this instrument.

Suzuki Manji Diatonic harmonica

Bb is one of my favorite keys for the diatonic harmonica. I think it is the perfect reed length/thickness. Playability, intonation and tone comes easily on this harmonica. I love G harmonicas too but they can be a bit slow and hard to cut through when playing in a bigger ensemble situation. C harps are also great instruments but they have a bit stiffer reeds than Bb, Bb has more mellowness to them.

Blues Harmonica wood comb
Filip Jers

Hello! I'm Filip Jers, a passionate jazz harmonica player dedicated to inspiring and helping you on your musical journey. If you enjoyed this blog and want to support my music, consider joining my Patreon. You'll get access to exclusive harmonica lessons, sheet music, and a growing library of jazz harmonica video tutorials.

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