Why start a blog about jazz harmonica?

I've always been a reader of blogs and articles online. Recently, I've been diving deep into blogs about photography and camera equipment – a long-time hobby of mine.

While browsing the web, I realized something: I've never come across a dedicated harmonica blog! The way I consume harmonica content these days comes from music streaming platforms and social media, primarily YouTube.

So, let's start a harmonica blog! I'm more accustomed to creating content through video and audio, so this will be a refreshing challenge and a new experience for me.

I call it “The Jazz Harmonica Journal”. This includes both playing jazz on the chromatic harmonica and on diatonic harmonicas. I play both instruments and will share tips for both of course.

On "The Jazz Harmonica Journal," I plan to share a variety of content, including tips for harmonica players, my experiences with different harmonicas, microphones, and other gear, influences on my own playing, both within and beyond the jazz world, and recommendations for essential jazz harmonica albums. I'll also post articles, videos, and other resources to help players learn and grow. I will try to answer harmonica questions that I have received over the years - and still receive, almost daily. I am very happy that people trust me and asks for my advice. If you have a question - just write me an email or write me on Instagram or Facebook.

I will not be sharing sheet music/tabs with scales/arpeggios/exercises/solos on this blog. These resources are available on my Patreon site.

My goals with this blog are to educate people about the harmonica, inspire others by sharing my passion for this instrument, and especially highlight my lifelong dedication to the harmonica.

I'm active on various social media platforms, but uploading content can be frustrating. The ever-changing algorithms, constant ads, and overwhelming recommendations in the feed make it difficult to know if my posts are reaching my followers. In fact, it feels like I'm reaching fewer people now despite having a larger following than five years ago.

A blog gives me control. Every post uploaded to my website is guaranteed to be published and accessible to those who want to see it. Welcome to subscribe to the mail list or be sure to bookmark this site.

Best, Filip

Filip Jers

Hello! I'm Filip Jers, a passionate jazz harmonica player dedicated to inspiring and helping you on your musical journey. If you enjoyed this blog and want to support my music, consider joining my Patreon. You'll get access to exclusive harmonica lessons, sheet music, and a growing library of jazz harmonica video tutorials.


Learn how to play jazz harmonica: 25 tips


This is me